The “Muse” Culture Center in Lubin

Lubin, Poland

The “Muse” Culture Center in Lubin is a buoyant modern culture center in the region, that is continuing the tradition of the Copper Valley Culture House. It was KGHM that in 1996 contributed to the creation of the new building which still stands today. The expansion design was prepared by architects from the design studio of Archicom.

Tomasz Urbanowicz, when invited to create a glass piece for the main wall in the foyer of “Muse” Center, was inspired by the richness of the earth. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. is currently the largest producer of silver and it was this silver that inspired the glass.

The composition entitled “JEWEL” is glass covered in silver. Inside, a jewel was created, probably for the first time in Poland, using the fusing technique. The artistic look of the jewel was achieved thanks to precious consultation with professor Konrad Jarodzki. Thanks to the form achieved in the furnace, a slight bend and a reflective lining on the back, the composition “comes to life” with daylight reflected from the glass elevation and lights of the foyer at night.
