Charity auction at the Ball of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology
The organizers of the 18th Charity Ball of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology last weekend raised funds for scholarships for disabled students.
We are glad that our glass artwork donated to the auction supported this year’s scholarship fund, obtaining the highest price among the auctioned works and contributed to the record achievement of the event. We are very pleased that, according to the website of the University:
“W tym roku największym zainteresowaniem licytujących cieszyła się szklana kompozycja architektoniczna przedstawiająca część kampusu PWr autorstwa Tomasza Urbanowicza. A także książka Olgi Tokarczuk „Księgi Jakubowe” z indywidualną dedykacją naszej laureatki literackiej Nagrody Nobla oraz prace malarskie Edwarda Koziołka i Adama Setkowicza.”
(“This year, the greatest interest of bidders was the glass architectural composition depicting a part of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Campus by Tomasz Urbanowicz. And also the book by Olga Tokarczuk “The Books of Jacob” with the original dedication of our literary Nobel Prize winner and paintings by Edward Koziołek and Adam Setkowicz.”).
We would like to thank the bidders, donors and organizers of the Wrocław University of Technology Development Foundation for such a wonderful event and effort in supporting disabled students.